Raise your profile and promote your services if you are a Consultancy Business or Freelancer
AKM Geoconsulting Ltd.
Dr Adam K Moss – Core Analysis Petrophysicist
Core provides a unique opportunity to “see and touch” a reservoir: AKM Geoconsulting can help you make the most of this prospect. Adam Moss is a core analysis expert with over 25 years’ petrophysical experience; he works with assets and multi-functional teams to define best-practice workflows and ensure high quality core analysis data. He can also help with: design and management of SCAL test programmes, core to log integration, building saturation height function models and integration of core data into reservoir models. Adam provides bespoke training on a wide range of petrophysical topics to an international portfolio of clients.
T: +44 (0)785 8089247
E: adam@akmgeo.co.uk
W: www.akmgeo.co.uk
Needham Geoscience Limited
Dr Tim Needham – Structural geologist
Consultant structural geologist with 35+ years of experience worldwide, including NW Europe, Africa, Middle East, India, Pakistan and the Americas. Work at all scales, ranging from core description to regional tectonics with extensive experience in fault and fault seal analysis, fractured reservoir studies, structural restoration and QC of interpretations for exploration and production.
T: +44 (0)1943 277030 / +44 (0)7884 404373
E: tim@needhamgeoscience.co.uk
W: www.needhamgeoscience.co.uk
Pmoll-Seismic Limited
Phil Mollicone – Independent Consulting Geophysicist
Extensive background of E&A seismic mapping; prospect evaluations; opportunity assessments; divestments; collaborative in-house & remote working; depth conversion& sensitivity analysis; seismic acquisition & processing oversight. All of it across a wide range of geologic and geographic provinces.
T: +44 (0)777 572 6408
E: philmollicone@aol.com
W: www.linkedin.com/in/pmoll-seismic
TERRASYS Geophysics
Integrated Multi-Physics Analysis, Modelling, Inversion and Interpretation
As consultancy for international subsurface studies, we focus on efficient Gravity, Magnetic & EM integration with other geodata for reliable earth models, from resource exploration to near-surface investigations.
TERRASYS applies target-oriented workflows, from structural joint inversion to petrophysical modelling. Our unique multi-disciplinary approach to geology-based solutions reduces uncertainty, risk and cost.
Markus Krieger
T: +49 40 2800460
E: krieger@terrasysgeo.com
W: www.terrasysgeo.com
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