OT SIG Meeting – February (Online)

Speaker: Pete Webb, Consultant Petroleum Geologist. Topic: Responsible Gas to Electricity.

18th February 2025

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Event Information

Speaker: Pete Webb, Consultant Petroleum Geologist

Topic: Responsible Gas to Electricity


In August 2022 and again just over a year ago I floated a couple of slides that proposed a solution whereby natural gas could be used to provide electricity if power stations were built close to the gas field and the resultant CO2 then pumped straight back down to replace the CH4.  I wrote to the government of the day asking if they would take this up but received no more than a polite thank you for your enquiry.  I have also contacted Invictus Energy, an Australian explorer which has made an as yet unappraised but potentially large gas-condensate discovery in rural Zimbabwe but have not received a reply at all.

At Prof. Jon Gluyas’s GeolSoc talk last month, I put the question to him: could electricity generation at the gas field be feasible?  He replied that he had already written a paper incorporating that idea and sent a link to it to Tim Papworth who then forwarded it to me.  Published last year, it supports my idea completely.  My talk to the OT SIG will restate that idea and try and identify some working examples of the associated technologies that might yet make Responsible Gas to Electricity a reality.

Speaker Biography

Pete Webb is Consultant Petroleum Geologist with 45 years in the international petroleum industry. Highly experienced in new ventures analysis, prospect evaluation and well planning. Has prepared and delivered numerous training courses in various aspects of petroleum exploration. Academic qualifications include 1st class BSc (1967, Chelsea College, London University) and PhD (1971, Bedford College, London University).

Currently at Moorfield Geoscience, Hayfield, England.

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