Geophysics SIG Meeting – May (Virtual Event)

Speaker: Thomas Latter - CGG. Topic: Dual Azimuth: providing a step change in imaging potential in the Northern Viking Graben

25th May 2021

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Event Information

Speaker: Thomas Latter, Supervisor, Subsurface Imaging – CGG

Topic: Dual Azimuth: providing a step change in imaging potential in the Northern Viking Graben

The Northern Viking Graben is an area of significant active and ongoing activity. Numerous discoveries have been made since a regionally contiguous North-South orientated BroadSeis dataset was acquired and processed from 2014-2018. This data is still subject to imaging challenges however and with the aid of a more densely acquired perpendicular East-West triple-source multi-sensor dataset at the end of 2020, as well as reprocessing the existing underlying data (last processed in 2018) it is shown that even in a short space of time profound imaging uplift is achievable and many of these challenges can be mitigated. This includes a significant uplift in illumination, enhanced spectral content, wavefront suppression, improved signal to noise ratio, and improvements to resolution and structural imaging at both sub-BCU sands and fault blocks, and shallow targets. The benefits of utilising a second azimuth are also shown to go beyond improved illumination and data sampling, but open up the possibilities for more novel dual azimuth processing methods. Of note the improvements are shown on an accelerated product and further uplift is expected from the data moving forward with further imaging technology to be utilised, and as more data is acquired as part of a multi-year programme.

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