Membership FAQs

What do I need to be a member?

There are 3 types of membership:

  • Active – Suitable for anyone who holds at least a Bachelor’s degree or equivalent from a recognised institute, college or university in any geoscience subject or similar.
  • Associate – Suitable for anyone actively engaged in any scientific, technical or commercial aspect of geoscience, but without the above qualification. They may need the endorsement of two current members and approval from the Executive Council.
  • Student – Suitable for an undergraduate student in any geoscience subject or similar.


For those aged 27 years or younger, a discounted fee of £55.00 per annum can be accessed by emailing

How do I join the GESGB?

The easiest way to join is on our membership platform. Here you can enter your details and choose a payment option in one easy to use online application form. Please note that you may need to provide details such as your university level education to show you meet the criteria of some of our membership types. Students may also need to submit verification of their student status eg. a scan of registration document.

Membership applications are usually approved within 1 working days.

How can I pay for my membership?

You can pay for your membership by logging into the membership platform and clicking ‘Pay Membership Fees’ at the top of the page. If you have any issues accessing this page, please email

How can I access the Membership Directory?

Our membership directory can be found on the membership platform. Once you have logged into your account, click on the ‘Members’ drop down menu at the top of the page and then select ‘Membership Directory’. Here you will be able to search the directory to find key contacts and network with fellow members.

How do I access / log-in to the membership platform?

You can access the membership platform by clicking the ‘Login / Signup’ button in the top right hand corner of the main GESGB website. Alternatively, you can access the platform by following this link.

Can I check my membership number?

You can view your membership number under ‘My Profile’, once logged into the membership platform. Your membership number will be displayed on the left hand side on this page. Your membership number will also be displayed in the top right hand side of any mailings sent by the GESGB.

How do I view the magazine?

To access the magazine online, simply log into the membership platform and click ‘Online Magazines’ at the top of the homepage. This will direct you to the latest edition of the magazine, along with past editions. If you have trouble viewing these, please email to request a PDF version.

If you wish to receive a printed copy of the magazine, click on the ‘Printed Magazine’ tab at the top of the homepage of the membership platform for details and associated costs.


How can I get a receipt for my membership payment?

Receipts are issued on a request basis – please email

Journals access online and postal queries

For any questions regarding journals and postal queries, please email with your question.

Updating membership details

You can update your membership details on the membership platform. Once you have logged in, head to ‘My Profile’ in the top right hand corner of the page. Once on your profile, click the pencil ‘Edit’ icon in the top right hand corner. This will allow you to amend any of your details on the left hand side. Once you have made these edits, click ‘Save changes’.

How long will it take for my membership application to be approved?

We aim to approve membership applications within 1 working days of an application being submitted. All applications must be assessed before approval to ensure that all criteria is met for the membership type chosen. You may be asked for additional information before your application is approved.

How do I join a Special Interest Group (SIG)?

To join a SIG, you will need a valid GESGB membership. Once logged into the membership platform, click the ‘Members’ drop down list at the top of the home page, and then select ‘Groups’. You will be shown a list of all of our SIGs. From this list, find the group you wish to join, simply click into it and select ‘Join group’.

I’m thinking of cancelling my membership, what are the next steps?

For cancellation queries, please email and we will discuss your situation with you and hopefully, find a solution or help with the cancellation process.