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CALL FOR ABSTRACTS: Present to your peers at the YP Technical Seminars!

‘Has the North Sea creamed? Innovative approaches to challenging dogmas and unlocking unexpected barrels in “mature” basins’

If this sounds like something you would be interested in presenting at get your thinking caps on and submit an abstract. YOU could be the 2017 YP winner (…and yes prizes are up for grabs)!!!

The London Seminar will take place on Thursday 20 September 2017
Abstract submission deadline is midnight Friday 28 July 2017

The Aberdeen Seminar will take place on Wednesday 11 October 2017
Abstract submission deadline is midnight Friday 25 August 2017

Following enormous success in 2016, we are bringing back our Technical Seminar for 2017. We want to give YPs the opportunity to present to other YPs in an informal, friendly environment. If this sounds like something you would be interested in presenting at get your thinking caps on and submit an abstract. Following enormous success in 2016, we are bringing back our Technical Seminar for 2017. We want to give YPs the opportunity to present to other YPs in an informal, friendly environment. If this sounds like something you would be interested in presenting at get your thinking caps on and submit an abstract. YOU could be the 2017 YP winner!!

“The mature basin is unlikely to see many more multi-million barrel discoveries…the only way to extract further value is through brownfield exploration and low cost tie back solutions…this basin is creamed!” Sound familiar?

There are many examples of how innovative play creation, challenging geological dogmas and modern data analysis have revived exploration activity in previously assumed “mature” basins. Young professionals are best placed to do this having not yet been exposed to industry dogmas. They have the opportunity to view a challenge with a fresh perspective.

How have you challenged your superiors and dogmas to realise new opportunities?
Do you utilise innovative technologies to unlock potential?
Are you involved in E&P/Analysis in underexplored areas or plays of the UKCS?
Are you working in an analogous mature basin using innovative technology/techniques/plays that could be applied to the North Sea?

…OR perhaps you agree with the statement? Pick a side and argue your case!


Please submit your abstract to including your PESGB membership number.
Abstracts need to be 300 words or less and must clearly outline the objectives/challenges and the solution adopted. There are no specific technical categories; however, we aim to deliver a range of topics from multiple disciplines across the E&P lifecycle. Authors must have permission to present this work, however the abstracts themselves will not be published. Presentations are expected to be maximum 15 minutes long with 5 minutes Q&A. Due to time constraints, we aim to use the best 6 abstracts. Successful authors will be notified shortly after the closing date. They will be registered automatically.

A winning abstract and presentation will be chosen on the day based on technical merits, clarity of work and overall fit to the seminar theme. An agenda will be published when all abstracts have been received and reviewed.

Registration opens late July and a reminder notification will be sent out. Spaces are limited so please register as soon as possible by emailing including your PESGB membership number as soon as registration opens.