Meet the 2021 PESGB Council Election Nominees – Vice President – Alex Kurobasa
After 4 enjoyable years working with the PESGB Young Professional’s committee, I am delighted to be standing for the position of Vice President and are keen to take on more responsibility and help coordinate our approach to keeping ourselves relevant to members at a time when our industry continues to modernise, adapt and shift towards building sustainable energy solutions.
I am a geologist by training with a Masters degree in Petroleum Geoscience from Royal Holloway, where my first encounters with the PESGB begun, with a number of memorable PESGB networking events and evening lectures in London, providing invaluable support during my student days and helped get my career underway once I graduated. I started as a Consultant Geoscientist with Earthmoves in 2016, working with multiple O&G companies on South Atlantic & Mexico exploration, salt tectonics and basin analysis studies, before moving to Edinburgh to work within the MOVE software development team as a Structural Geologist for Petroleum Experts. In 2019, I joined TGS as a geologist in their Global Geoscience Interpretation team based in London, working a number of Mexico multiclient exploration projects, before taking up the opportunity to move into my current role as Sales & Business Development Manager at TGS, where I am responsible for sales and expansion of well data and interpretation projects in Europe, Africa Middle East, and Russia.
Running in parallel with my work experience, I have actively contributed in the organising of lectures, social events and other PESGB initiatives through the Young Professional’s committee. I have been lucky enough to engage with members across the entire demographic of our PESGB community, from enthusiastic young graduates to experienced professionals looking to impart their wisdom to the next generation. Drawing upon my time with the YP committee and current role with TGS, I would like to promote the PESGB to a wider audience, with key focus on the public’s perception of the industry and geosciences. Though the energy industry is constantly evolving, particularly felt in recent times, integrating the experience, passion and wisdom of the industry’s experienced roots together with the enthusiasm of those that are just entering is critical for the PESGB to continue to offer a valuable resource of education and sense of belonging for many of its members. With this in mind, I hope to give back to a Society that has been important in mine and many others’ development as an industry professional.