Message from Maria Iredale to PESGB members & supporters
Dear Members
I wanted to offer an update on our request for donations to support us following the financial impact of the pandemic.
The donations continue to come into us via Just Giving and by cheque and we have now received over £4,000 from our members. Both the council and the staff team have been heartened by your generosity and even the small donations mean an awful lot to us during this difficult time.
In addition, we have had the offer to complement our training and education programme with the provision of free courses and activities from our well-respected member community. Many members have come forward with ideas for paid lectures and events to help us raise money and you will see these happening in the coming months. Knowing that the membership value the PESGB and want to be part of its journey back to sustainability, post covid, is hugely satisfying. Many members gave anonymously, so let me take this opportunity to thank each of you that has made a contribution, whether that be financial or otherwise. Your gift is appreciated.
There is still the opportunity to donate through the link below or by cheque to the office if you would like to, all donations big or small will help your PESGB adapt and thrive in a post covid world.
Kindest regards
Maria Iredale
PESGB Executive Director