The new streamlined 2017/18 PESGB Membership Directory is out now!
The much-loved staple of every member’s bookshelf has hit desks; the new edition of the PESGB Membership Directory!
In 2016 the Membership Directory was completely overhauled and streamlined. Now in full colour and including editorial features which showcase the highlights of the year, it is now more compact, relevant and stylish than ever before. The new edition has not only improved on its style, but also its substance. It is now easier than ever to find out what you need to know, when you need to know it.
While previously the directory listed each member three times – by telephone number, address and email – it now (much more sensibly) only lists each member once. With this revamped design and increased space efficiency the size of the publication has been reduced by 47% which has SAVED us more than £25,000 in printing and postage costs. We can now begin to redirect these massive savings to what our organisation values the most: our various member services and educational outreach initiatives.
We here at the PESGB are very proud of the new directory and we hope you, our membership, are too.
Don’t forget, the online version of the directory that can be accessed via using your log in details is the most up to date version of our database of members.