YP Round Table… Get involved!
You are invited to participate in a facilitated, ’round-table’, discussion aimed at getting your perspective on the current state of the industry. This ’round table’ discussion will focus on your experiences and perspectives as young professionals in the industry.
We are looking for 4 to 6 enthusiastic participants, so use this opportunity to make yourself heard and have a real discussion with your peers!
In the spirit of ‘don’t just sit, there do something’…
A structured and recorded discussion to be shared as widely as possible in order to generate discussion and activity in the industry
An opportunity for individuals discuss a key topic with peers
An opportunity to express your views to a wide cross-section of the industry
Structured Discussions:
‘Young Professionals in a Downturn’
- How is this downturn affecting YPs
- Knowledge transfer from the veterans to the Yps – (accelerated crew change)
- Career prospects in a downturn –
- What does technology offer?
- What are essential activities, recommendations, requests from YPs
Basic Rules:
- All information generated will be shared
- We will remain focused on the topic
- We will use generic names for oil companies and industry bodies if the information is not in the public domain
- Ideas and suggestions should be discussed from a value and practicality perspective
Recording and Publication:
You will be free (and encouraged) to generate and distribute your own material and we will also aim to publish here …
LinkedIn article
Finding Petroleum Online and Magazine
PESGB Magazine/Blog
Tuesday 5 April 2016, 6.30-8.30pm
ENGIE Offices, Holborn, LondonIf you would like to participate or have any questions please contact the PESGB YPs (pesgbyp@gmail.com) or Ed Evans (edevans@ndbteam.com).